High-end ice cream has become the norm, and the price-performance ratio is not g

High-end ice cream has become the norm, and the price-performance ratio is not g

The domestic ice cream market has gradually climbed to a scale of 147 billion yuan, ranking first in the world, which has attracted many internet celebrity brands to enter the market. There were brands like Zhong Xuegao and Zhongjie 1946 before, and now there are cross-brand collaborations like Moutai and Yanjing Beer. Various strategies have emerged endlessly, and prices have also been rising continuously, repeatedly refreshing people's perceptions!

High-end ice cream has become the norm, and cost-effectiveness is no longer attractive?

With the increase of "Hermès" in ice cream, the affordable ice cream market seems to be gradually surpassed, but is this really the case? According to industry data from 2021, the brands that still rank at the forefront in terms of retail sales share are still those familiar old brands such as Yili, Menglong, and Keaiduo, etc. Expensive ice cream has indeed gained popularity due to its momentum, but after the market has been tested, only a few can truly be recognized by consumers. It can be seen that after the consumption wave recedes, consumers still prefer products with a higher cost-performance ratio that can also satisfy their desire for enjoyment.


This phenomenon is not only present in the domestic ice cream industry but also in other industries. For example, the light bottle liquor industry, which was once labeled as "low," "rustic," and "cheap," has become popular with consumers in recent years after the craze for high-end liquor and face-consuming has cooled down, and its market share is expected to expand to 200 billion! Bainiu Er, which dominates the price segment of more than ten yuan, has also been awarded the title of "King of People's Liquor" in recent years! This series of phenomena not only indicates the rise of the light bottle liquor market but also shows the proportion of cost-effectiveness in the hearts of current consumers.

After the craze subsides, cost-effectiveness remains the king! For example, the most rustic Erguotou has exceeded 100 million in just three months.

Of course, with the rise of the light bottle liquor market and the changes in current consumers, a batch of affordable white liquor brands targeting a new generation of young consumers has also emerged. The Lu Ti Ma Beijing Erguotou brand, which has been on the market for only one year, is one of them. Don't look down on it just because it has been on the market for only one year. During this period, it has not only been valued at over 100 million in just three months but has also covered nearly 50,000 outlets without any business development department, achieving a counter-trend growth of 680%!And this "donkey" can achieve such success in a short period of time, not only by grasping the importance of cost-effectiveness, but also because it has glimpsed the key to the rejuvenation of domestic products. That is "old trees sprouting new buds"! Its team believes that the "new" here does not merely refer to the innovation of products and models, but rather to cultural innovation. They believe that as the quality of life for consumers continues to improve, it is not enough for brands to only satisfy consumers' physiological needs; they should also meet consumers' psychological needs.

With this understanding, their team established the "12-word policy" of "high quality, high appearance, high sentiment, and affordable price," and implemented it with strong execution. First, in terms of quality, it not only has the strong support of a time-honored Chinese brand but also invited Chinese wine appraisers Gao Lianhua and his wife, Gong Xianwen, to personally come out of retirement. With their combined 40 years of wine-making experience, they innovated and upgraded a wine body that has won an international gold award. After dozens of adjustments and tastings, they created this "rich and mellow, sweet aftertaste, delicious and not heady" pure grain good wine, and after nearly a hundred blind taste tests, it received nearly 90% positive feedback on taste.

In addition, based on the preferences of young people today, they collaborated with a top design team and made this crystal bottle with a transparent and eye-catching appearance after nearly a hundred revisions. In terms of color, they boldly chose the imperial jade green as the main color of the product, which is eye-catching and distinctive. Of course, this is not the most eye-catching part of the packaging; the most eye-catching is the "amiable and lovable" donkey brother.

And this "donkey brother" is the IP image of the donkey kick horse brand. It not only has the beautiful implication of "not only does it not intoxicate the donkey, but it also makes the donkey kick the horse" from the predecessor of Erguotou, Jinlan wine, but also embodies the optimistic and positive attitude of young people today towards everything, and tries to express it in a self-deprecating and slightly silly tone. Coupled with the price segment that occupies the current consumer upgrade opportunity of 30-40 yuan, it has been welcomed by a large number of consumers.

Model upgrade, 50,000 outlets in 1 year!

Of course, the brand upgrade not only has both "cost-effectiveness" and "heart price ratio" but also has innovation in its model. As a member of the white wine army, the donkey kick horse brand is also well aware of this. It has combined the current online and offline market conditions and the characteristics of the brand to formulate a model of "traffic explosion + deep distribution + contract joint operation system."

The innovation of the contract joint operation system here not only changes the previous one-sided approach but also...The model of seeking investment institutions has shifted to digging down into individual investors, inviting those who recognize the brand to join in the venture. This innovative approach has also successfully enabled the brand, which has been listed for only one year, to achieve a network of nearly 50,000 outlets.

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