The college entrance examination season is coming. If you want to work in a bank

The college entrance examination season is coming. If you want to work in a bank

The annual college entrance examination is upon us once again. For those students who aspire to work in the banking industry in the future, what preparations should they make?

Tomorrow is the college entrance examination. First and foremost, I wish all the diligent students success and the achievement of their dreams. Immediately following the exam, the next crucial step is the college application process, which is also very important as it determines the future career planning of the students. So, is it a good idea to work in a bank in the future? What preparations should one make if they wish to work in a bank? What kind of talents will the future development of banks require? Let's analyze this together today:

Banks can be roughly divided into three categories based on their classification: the People's Bank of China, policy banks, and commercial banks. Although these banks have different business focuses, their overall business development is related to finance. Therefore, their recruitment needs are also similar, except that commercial banks have a relatively larger demand as they require a significant number of personnel to fill positions such as tellers and lobby staff. Thus, applying for a position in a commercial bank is relatively easier.


So, when it comes to college application, which majors should one choose?

In terms of majors, the job positions available each year are quite similar, including finance, accounting, international trade, English, computer science, law, Chinese language, and management, among others. Looking at future talent demand, as banks continue to transform and develop, offline branches will gradually be reduced, while online business will be increasingly valued. Therefore, the demand for one type of talent will be very strong in the future.

That is, "financial technology" professionals. As the reach of the internet continues to extend into every aspect of our lives, banks are also constantly improving their service capabilities and are all laying out online business strategies. In fact, not only banks but also other financial industries, such as securities firms, insurance companies, funds, and leasing, are also focusing on online efforts. Therefore, the gap for financial technology professionals will be very large in the future.

So, when it comes to college applications, one can certainly consider majors such as finance, computer science, information engineering, and software development. In the future,复合型人才 who understand financial business and have technological knowledge will become the next "hot commodity". Perhaps the high-income earner with a million-dollar salary in the future could be you!What is the demand for positions in future banks like?

In addition to the huge demand for talents in the field of financial technology, the personnel needs for other positions in banks have also been continuously increasing in recent years. This is because banks are facing another challenge in the next 3-5 years, which is the "retirement wave."

According to relevant data statistics, from 2023 to 2025, the number of retirees in the four major banks will reach more than 60,000 people each year. This corresponds to the peak of the baby boom in the 1960s. When these individuals reached adulthood, it coincided with the time when major banks were recruiting in large numbers. Since then, there has been a significant reduction in new hires. This leads to a problem: when the post-1960s generation retires in large numbers, there will be a need for a substantial influx of new talent. Therefore, the demand for young people in future banks remains strong.

This trend is evident in the recruitment numbers of banks in recent years. According to the latest data statistics, the annual recruitment numbers of the four major banks have been around 20,000 in recent years, and the recruitment scale of various joint-stock banks is in the thousands, indicating a significant talent gap.

Of course, while the demand for talent is robust, the transformation and development path of future banks continues. With the intensifying competition among banks, the performance pressure on future bank professionals will further increase. Students who wish to enter this industry should also possess certain stress resistance, marketing, and comprehensive management skills.

However, in terms of income, the income level of banks has always been in the upper-middle range. Compared to most industries, the income is relatively attractive. Therefore, students who want to challenge high-income opportunities and have certain comprehensive strengths can definitely consider financial-related majors when choosing their field of study. The future is promising!

Do you or any of your family members work in a bank? How is their work and life?

We welcome everyone to leave comments. Perhaps one of your comments could change a child's life!That concludes all the content for this episode. If you have any other topics in finance and wealth management that you would like to learn about, please feel free to leave me a message.

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